Monday, December 1, 2014

Born of Destiny?

  I personally feel like I would be an amazing politician, and that I could actually do something for this country and this world. I feel like I could do more and faster than all these college-educated, wealthy people that end up getting elected. My question is, Do the people behind the curtain really *want* change for us ordinary citizens?? Is it in *their* best interest. Probably not.
 The good die young, the good never seem to get into the system, and when they leak in, they end up getting killed, or targeted. I am very afraid of death.... but... this, and only this, is something I am willing to risk my life for, I feel somewhat like it destiny.
  This is my rant for the night. Thank you for reading.

  ~Lady Liberty

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Soul Sisters and Metaphysical Misters

 When I feel a connection with someone- anyone- on a soul level, I tend to get almost obsessed with the person. Like I *need* to spend time with them to be happy. Why is that? I'm not sure. It isn't like I am in love with them, or anything like that...I just...need them. It's like how, when my mother is gone from the house for a long time, I tend to develop a panicky, foreboding feeling. When I do not spend an adequate amount of time with the person/people that I feel a soul connection with, I start to feel that way again. Part of it could be the season... or that I do not have really any real life contact with people on a regular basis. I just know that, for the sake of my sanity, and for my friendships, this must change.
  I need to learn to make my own happiness. I can, to a point. But it is very dependent on others, or on a certain activity. I will start tonight. I can't live like this anymore...
   ~ Lady Liberty