Monday, December 1, 2014

Born of Destiny?

  I personally feel like I would be an amazing politician, and that I could actually do something for this country and this world. I feel like I could do more and faster than all these college-educated, wealthy people that end up getting elected. My question is, Do the people behind the curtain really *want* change for us ordinary citizens?? Is it in *their* best interest. Probably not.
 The good die young, the good never seem to get into the system, and when they leak in, they end up getting killed, or targeted. I am very afraid of death.... but... this, and only this, is something I am willing to risk my life for, I feel somewhat like it destiny.
  This is my rant for the night. Thank you for reading.

  ~Lady Liberty

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Soul Sisters and Metaphysical Misters

 When I feel a connection with someone- anyone- on a soul level, I tend to get almost obsessed with the person. Like I *need* to spend time with them to be happy. Why is that? I'm not sure. It isn't like I am in love with them, or anything like that...I just...need them. It's like how, when my mother is gone from the house for a long time, I tend to develop a panicky, foreboding feeling. When I do not spend an adequate amount of time with the person/people that I feel a soul connection with, I start to feel that way again. Part of it could be the season... or that I do not have really any real life contact with people on a regular basis. I just know that, for the sake of my sanity, and for my friendships, this must change.
  I need to learn to make my own happiness. I can, to a point. But it is very dependent on others, or on a certain activity. I will start tonight. I can't live like this anymore...
   ~ Lady Liberty

Friday, November 15, 2013

Not sure what to write about today...

Hello all!!
  I'm not sure what to write about today,but wanted to check in. I was dumped the other day,by someone whom I actually TRUSTED. So,understandably I would be quite upset...
 Besides that,I've just been working this past few days,and working on my online college course in economics. Its quite interesting,and I think it is going well!!
   I will write more later this afternoon/evening!
    -Lady Liberty <3

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Money's got a hold on all of us

 so,I've started a free online college course through Coursera on Marketing and Economics. It makes me feel like I'm actually doing something. It may not be my favorite subject, but it is something I need to learn about if I am going to be in politics or business....or anywhere near those fields.
 It is somewhat interesting, I guess. It might give me a new perspective on things. Money in general gives me a big headache, because I don't even believe it should exist, or that it should rule all our lives as it does currently. But while it is such a big player in society, I need to know how to work with it, and sort its friend. To be the friend of something that people use as a weapon,fight and kill over,and that so many innocent human beings die because they don't have~it's hard.
  I may not have the technical smarts or the degree that they do,but I have the heart. I wish that mattered in today's society....
  I am so focused on my own success though-that I will play nice with money and the academic world. It's how I am gonna get there. Where is "there"? I'm not sure. But it is beautiful. And I am gonna get there. Someday.

  Lady Liberty <3


  Hi all!!! I'm back today, as promised! :) 
    Life has been a real b**** lately, so I'm not the happiest. I just want to be happy, and to live life to its fullest....very hard as of now. 
   i dont feel like writing that much right now,but I just wanted to make sure I did some sort of blog post for the day...a year is wayyy too long to go without any word! ~if people read my blog anyways~
   I think that writing a book or something would be good for me. I just dont know about what, and how hard it would be for me. Writing isn't my strong suit anymore. Or I could do essays.... What do my readers think? Comment below to let me know what your ideas are!! I just might pick one(or more) of them up and use them~you would be credited for it of course! 
   I will write more either later tonight or sometime this week. 

  Lady Liberty <3 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Its late,and I might not make much sense right now...

Hi,all!!! I realized I haven't posted in over a year~yikes!!~ so I figured I'd give you all some reading material,even if it's not much.
 I'm always happiest at night. More content. More motivated. Yet,somehow,more tired. Worst combination,I tell you...that is how things such as this blog post come into play. Here I am rambling,and expecting you to be reading this mumbo jumbo. I'm a silly girl,aren't I? *giggles*
  Maybe I could put some meaning to this post by inserting some sort of political musing of the day,or some ingenious thoughts.... I think I just might do that!
  Socialism. Yes,you heard me. Socialism. I think its an amazing idea,and should be practiced in some form. But not with the lack of civil liberties that are given and (supposed to be) protected for us by the Constitution... a perfect world would probably consist of a socialist/communist government platform that is by no means totalitarian,and which allows all the rights that we deserve. We all deserve food,shelter,quality healthcare,and a happy life. Joy is not a privilege, people!! It is a human right.
 I've become a lot more "right wing" than I used to be... but I look at it,and I'm like, "Nah. I just realize that our government doesn't do its job efficiently or properly,and that it is so corrupt to where if you could go insane if you were too greedy, most high level government officials would be insane..... maybe they are. They sure act like it."
  This doesn't mean I'm not a socialist. It just means i'm a humanist. Which can blend with socialism in many ways. wow. I think I had a mini epiphany tonight...
    My rant is now over. for the time being. Because I am tired,and I realize that I already don't make sense....
    I will be back tomorrow with another post. Most likely not about politics, because I get tired of serious, heavy hearted stuff.
   Love you all!!! <3
   ~Lady Liberty

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Importance of the Constitution(this post was written last year,by the way)

  The most important document in our country is,and always has been,the U.S. Constitution. I'm sure some would disagree with me,saying that it is not as important as other documents,for example,the Bible. But I believe that,if America looses the Constitution,it also looses its backbone. And what happens to people if they have no backbone? That's right-they flop here and there and everywhere! They can't find their center of gravity,and,most likely,they die. Is that really what we want for America? No! Without the Constitution,we wouldn't have our right to free speech.We couldn't say it like it is,even when our government is getting to be more corrupt every day and there seems to be nothing we can do about it! You know what? With free speech,we can do something about it-there is power in numbers. If enough people speak out,things will change. The Founding Fathers made the Constitution because they knew how important a core list of rights would be for all Americans. Some of those being rights that they did not have,being ruled by England.Those brave men spoke out against a very corrupt government system,and won. Now,I'm not trying to compare the English government in the 18th Century with 21st Century America,but there are a few similarities. For one,some believe that they do not get fair representation in our government (and they are taxed anyways).But I believe that everyone who can afford it should pay taxes,and the tax system should be more income-based.Struggling families should not be required to pay taxes-at least not as many as they sometimes have to.I think,if every person had representation in the government,this country would be a much better place. :)  Thats my opinion.